Yoga for weight loss: efficiency, training rules and the best exercises

The system of yoga exercises develops strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination. With the help of yoga you can improve your physical health and psycho-emotional state. But how effective are yoga asanas for weight loss?

Benefits of yoga for weight loss

Yoga asanas are exercises that are performed in a static mode. Due to the low intensity of training, the practice of yoga is considered ineffective in the fight against excess weight. In order for the weight loss effect to become visible, static loads must be practiced for a long time and often. Therefore, they are rarely used as a stand-alone weight loss product. In its ability to burn calories quickly, yoga cannot compete with intense dynamic exercise, but it has an important advantage: it encourages the body to get rid of extra pounds without stress and overload. It is also important that thanks to the normalization of metabolism and the improvement of the work of all organs and systems, the weight loss achieved with the help of yoga is maintained for a long time.

Basic rules of yoga

yoga classes for weight loss

In order for yoga for weight loss to be effective, you need to train regularly: preferably every day, but in any case at least three times a week. You should move from simple to complex, slowly and gradually. The simplest asanas are mastered first, and only after you fix them, the load can become more complicated. Do not increase the intensity and weight of your training too soon. Haste leads to injuries and violation of one of the key principles of yoga: asanas should not be performed through pain and discomfort, practicing yoga should be a pleasure.

You need to perform the exercises slowly and thoughtfully, focusing on breathing and muscle work. You will need comfortable clothes and a yoga mat to exercise. You need to train on an empty stomach. At least two hours should elapse between your last meal and your workout. The study area should be well ventilated. To separate yourself from foreign sounds and create the appropriate mood, you need to turn on calm relaxing music. Melodies can be taken from special selections for yoga and meditation.

Yoga exercises for weight loss

yoga exercises for weight loss
  1. Straighten and spread your legs as wide as possible. Bend forward and place both hands on the floor. Tighten and tighten the gluteus muscles. Stay in this position for about a minute. Make sure your breathing is free, deep and rhythmic. Complete the exercise and enter the asana two more times. Regular exercise can strengthen the buttocks, inner and back of the thighs.
  2. Take a quick step forward with one foot. Get down to the stride, shifting your body weight to the stride leg. The other leg remains outstretched. Tap under the arms on the side of the bent knee. Stay in this position for at least a minute. Control your breathing. Step three times with each leg. Exercise works well on the muscles of the lower body.
  3. Place your stomach on the mat. Pull the upper limbs forward, straighten the lower and connect. Raise your head, shoulders and chest above the floor in succession. Leave the abdominal muscles pressed to the floor. Stay in the asana for as long as possible. With its help, you can strengthen your chest muscles.
  4. In a standing position, straighten your body, place your feet wider than your shoulders. Bend your knees, lower your shoulders. Cross your arms in front of you, push your pelvis forward. After a short break, straighten your legs. Do three reps. The pose burns fat on the thighs and buttocks, strengthens muscles.
  5. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise: standing straight, legs wider than shoulders, arms at chest. Spread your socks and rise on them. Jump low and, landing on your toes, turn on your heels. Perform ten of these jumps. Exercising makes your legs slimmer and stronger. Caviar is especially well loaded here.
  6. Lie on your back on the mat. Stretch your arms out to the side, resting your palms on the floor. Smoothly lift the straightened legs, bring them to an upright position and continue to move so that they are finally above the head parallel to the floor surface. Stay in this position for a minute. Breathe evenly. Slowly lower your legs. Do two or three reps. The muscles of the press are well developed in this asana.
  7. Continuing to lie on your back, bend your legs and raise your knees to your chest. Then lift your legs, stretch them towards the ceiling. Simultaneously with straightening the legs, support the back with your hands and thus help keep your legs, pelvis and lower back in an upright position. Lean your elbows on the floor. Stay in the asana for as long as possible. Try not to sway, do not bend your legs, watch your breathing.
  8. Roll over on your stomach. Place your palms on the mat near your shoulder joints. Place your toes on the floor. As you exhale, pull your pelvis back and up abruptly, pulling your heels toward the floor. The body should occupy the following position: the head is between the arms, the occipital region extends downward, the legs and back are straightened. After a short pause, jump to move your feet to your palms. Straighten your legs and wrap them with your hands. Raise the chest to the knees and the top of the head to the feet. Keep your legs as straight as possible. Repeat the asana three times.
  9. Sit with your palms below your thighs near your knees and raise your legs. They should be as flat as your back. Keep your head so that your gaze is directed diagonally: up and forward. As you exhale, straighten your arms in front of you parallel to the floor. In this exercise, the abdominal muscles are well strengthened.
  10. Take a standing position. Make a wide step forward with emphasis on the right leg. The knee of the outstretched leg should touch the floor, the toe stretches. Keep your back straight. Raise your arms above your head, leading them to the side. Raise your head, stretch your arms up, straighten your body in a line - from the top of the pelvis to the fingers. Pause for a minute. Lower your arms to shoulder level and spread them apart. Slightly turn your body to the left, keeping your back straight. A parallel should be formed between the arms and legs. Turn your head to the left, extend your arms. After about twenty seconds, turn slightly to the other side. Pause again for twenty seconds and turn around, placing your body straight. Place your left hand on the left side of your right foot with your forearm on the floor. Turn your body to the right. Reach out with your right hand, turn your head towards your hand. After a minute, place your right forearm on the left side of your right foot. Raise your other hand and stretch it out. Hold for a minute again, then lower your arms and straighten up. Perform the following repetition on the other leg. Abdominal muscles are actively working here, especially the oblique muscles and the back of the thighs. Exercise strengthens and stretches the spine, improves posture.

Yoga not only helps to lose weight, but also improves coordination, makes the body flexible and strong. The first results of the "Yoga for Weight Loss" program become visible after about a month of classes.